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Portholes and Portals

​Drawing on personal experience to interweave themes of site, place and emotional situations my current work explores the ephemeral world of water and sky through the ‘porthole/portal’ of time spent sailing in Australian waters. A boat was home for a while as we circumnavigated Australia and I had the privilege of spending time in remote and isolated locations in pristine, fragile, and vulnerable ecosystems. My current body of works uses the porthole to symbolise the boat as both a vessel of containment, reducing a vast landscape to what can be seen from the interior, and a ‘portal’ to other worlds and places.

Between the Sheets, Artist Books (2).jpg
Portholes and Portals, Nightwatch II.jpg
Cowper_Shelley_Night watch series, 'Reef'_ Etching, 25cm,.jpg
In the Shallows_edited.jpg
20210804_055543 (2).jpg
20210804_060529 (3).jpg
'From the Boatyard II' Etching, collagraph, relief (2).jpg
Portholes 3 (4).jpg
In the Shallows, (through  the porthole).jpg
'In the Shallows II, Collagraph, Chine-colle,_edited.jpg

© 2022 by Shelley Cowper

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